Wednesday, May 16, 2012

View, Edit, Create and Convert DBF Files with Free DBF Viewer

Free DBF Viewer is a completely free utility for working with DBF database files. It allows you to view the data contained with the files as well as create, edit and index data. A conversion component makes it possible to convert your DBF files into a variety of other common formats including dBase, FoxPro, Clipper and Visual FoxPro among others. Data can also be exported to text-based files. Free DBF Viewer provides a user-friendly interface which will be immediately recognizable to any Windows user. It also recognises supported file types and shows them to the user immediately.

One thing which sets Free DBF Viewer apart from all of the competition is the very fact that it is completely free, yet quality and extent of features are not sacrificed in any way. It's very easy to use thanks to an intuitive interface which doesn't require any special knowledge or experience. You will be able to see the tree with the folders contained within the DPF files and any folder can be easily opened just with a single click of the mouse. Free DBF Viewer basically allows you to view the contents of a DBF file as though you are using Windows Explorer itself. Right-click context menus are also provided as well as a set of preconfigured hotkeys for your convenience.

Using Free DBF Viewer, you can filter the data contained in the DBF files. There is a basic horizontal filter section which you can enable through the database indexes or by SQL condition. Vertical filtering using field selections is also possible. There are three ways to search for data in the file, either by using a fast index-based search, a slower serial search and a step-by-step search for more demanding situations.

With Free DBF Viewer, it is possible to easily import data from any of the listed text databases. You can also create a new database file or add records to an existing database. The paper report feature allows you to export data from the database into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or a text-based file. This is useful for making the data more presentable either for printing or sharing with others.

It's also possible to run SQL operations using Free DBF Viewer provided that you download and install the free driver. The driver is called "OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro" and you'll also be able to find the link to the installation package from the Options menu within Free DBF Viewer.

Free DBF Viewer is also able to view and edit MEMO fields. In future versions of the software, it will also be possible to preview images from BLOB fields. Data can be downloaded and saved from both BLOB and MEMO fields to the hard disk.

Free DBF Viewer ultimately allows you to carry out any operations with DBF files. You can even create and modify the entire structure of the file as well as create and edit indexes, re-index the database entirely and much more. For both beginners and professionals alike, Free DBF Viewer provides a wide set of tools which can come in extremely handy.

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