Thursday, May 17, 2012

Superior Remote Access For Your PC

Whether you're across the room or across the globe, there are various methods of remotely accessing your box. If you know how to use a web browser, then you already have the know-how to log into your, say, office PC from anywhere.

You may not already know this, but before the creation of remote desktop applications that make this sort of thing a piece of cake, users were already remotely logging into their boxes.

One way of doing this is via FTP, which is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. Put simply, you'd install an FTP server on the computer you'd wish to log into and ensure that the FTP port, usually port 21, is open so that you can access it remotely. Once your FTP server is up and running on the host computer, you'd install and run an FTP client from a PC in a remote location, 10 feet way or 100 miles away, for example. The FTP client communicates with the FTP server, effectively letting you log into a directory structure where you can transfer files to and fro. FTP is not incredibly intuitive to use, but it's one of the first examples of remotely accessing your computer.

Another more arcane example is called telnet. The process is basically the same as FTP: a telnet server runs on the host computer while you'd log into it via a telnet client. Telnet is even less intuitive than FTP since it's all text-based, so if you're not used to command-line tools, as many *NIX users are, you may dislike telnet from the get-go if you're a Windows user. Nowadays, it's recommended that you use the more secure SSH--secure shell--as it's less prone to exploits than telnet and much safer to use from a security standpoint.
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As technology inevitably marches on and improves upon itself evermore increasingly, the web browser is becoming more and more the mother application to run all children applications from, so to speak. Desktop apps are being elbowed aside to make room for more convenient, web-based apps that execute inside your favorite browser fluidly and without a hitch, as web browsers are becoming more powerful and more intelligent as processing power gets cheaper and new coding techniques, not to mention standards, dictate the norm.

GoToMyPC is the number one remote PC program on the market and it works on Mac;s and PC's. It comes with a free 30 day trial and it is touted as a way to access your home or office computer from anywhere you please. You're not simply limited to a text-based shell interface or a crude representation of a designated file structure from a remote location, but you're given the full power to access all of your precious files and all your PC's resources, graphically. Distantly log in from your home PC into your work PC and grab your e-mails, documents and applications. As long as your remote PC is internet-capable and has a web browser installed, then you can access your distant PC that's running GoToMyPC. Of course, the issue of security and exploits pop up when anyone talks about opening up an Internet gateway into your PC; for peace of mind, GoToMyPC uses 128-bit AES encryption, so you can feel relatively secure using this remote desktop solution.

The beauty of GoToMyPC is that it installs over the web through a simple and sound process. You don't need to install or download any bloated applets to communicate with your host PC; you can use any web browser to do this task! A lot of desktop solutions have issues running behind a firewall or proxy server, but GoToMyPC doesn't have any problem running behind most security software. One feature that comes in handy is the ability to allow guest access to your remote PC, allowing you to set time limits for which guest access should expire for an extra layer of security. Transferring files and printing from a remote location has not been this easy, so if you're in the market for a remote desktop app, give GoToMyPC a test drive.

USB External Hard Drive - Get The One You Need

With regards to computer data storage and freedom from program integration, a good solid USB external hard drive has to be your best option out there. This piece of equipment is an epitome of technology as well as simplicity of use.

You’re able to link this device to your pc using a USB cord that will enable you to view the contents stored within the hard drive. You may as well replace, customize or add and get rid of the contents existing on the disk. This device has a substantial amount of data storage capacity and at the same time this will also help you to achieve an increased degree of system compatibility.

Most of these hard drives are usually suitable for just about all systems and for some purpose you will need not to worry about the readability from the contents stored in it. The USB external hard drive is a plug and play gadget which guarantees quick accessibility and also simple operation. The product supports all kinds of data formats and therefore you may stow various file formats onto it.

They are also available in a very transportable structure that has been made to call for hardly any space. The covers of these drives are quite trendy. You must not overload your basic internal hard drive with too much data as that might affect the performance of the computer. For that reason, you should move the files which includes video, tunes, or perhaps many other prominent space wasting models to an external hard disk. This may also help you to categorize and set up your files in a better way.

The USB external hard drive comes along with some amazing attributes like data recuperation. It is simple to claim back the data that has been erased mistakenly by using the back up process provided with this hard disk. Similarly this kind of hard disk is made up of a few more necessary add-ons like data cloning. By using this characteristic you can easily create a picture of the contents of one hard disk and store it all on yet another. By using this feature you can make an image of the important data for possible future usage or reference. You can also add various virtual machines on external hard drives because it supports various kinds of simulation processes at the same time.

These external hard-disks also possess enclosed booting programs that may help it load up the contents contained in it instantly. The operating system used in this situation could be Linux, Windows, or Mac. The operating systems help these drives get compliant with virtually no problem. You can easily load the content and have access to it by means of attaching it with a USB cable. These drives receive both electric power as well as data connection through the USB cable. You can easily operate external hard disks by connecting them to any computer system.

Amadeus Consulting Discusses The Business Value of Mobile Apps

Amadeus Consulting’s Director of Digital Marketing, Monica Valdez, was recently interviewed for a blog article called "Should you Have an App for That?" This blog, written by Kim Willoughby from the Center for Sales Strategy, is a great article for businesses trying to understand the business case for building an app.

I thought I would expand on this idea a little and take a different angle. Many articles have been written about how to develop an app, why you should develop an app, why you shouldn’t, what you should do with the app once it’s developed, and on and on the list goes. In fact, you can read all these ideas and more just on the Amadeus Consulting Mobile Technology Watch blog.

What about the value of an app? Not just revenue, though that is part of it, but the overall value an app will bring your business. Of course, all companies differ and what might make sense for one doesn’t make sense for another, but in general most companies should be at least paying attention to what is happening in the mobile space.

In-App Advertising

I did a little Internet research to find a good infographic about app value and found one by Mobclix, called Monthly Value of an App User, a real-time bidding mobile ad exchange. Although this is from last year, this infographic is great information for any company thinking about using mobile advertising as a way to earn revenue. It’s not terribly surprising that iPhone app users have a higher value, but I did find it interesting that utility app users have a higher value. Basically, in-app advertising is a good way to make revenue off your app without charging users up front for the app, but this really only works if your app has a large user base to generate enough ad impressions.

In-App Purchases

In-app purchases are a way to make money off your user base without charging them up front for the app. Generally, this is advantageous for newer apps that don’t have a large user base yet and don’t want to charge for the app right away. Some apps might charge for an enhanced user-experience, or use things like tokens that users can purchase to do more with the app.
In-app purchases have big revenue potential, according to IHS Screen Digest, a mobile media intelligence service. In 2011, in-app purchases accounted for 39 percent of the revenue for apps, and will likely be 64 percent (or about $5.6 billion) of total revenue by 2015. This is clearly a big opportunity for companies wanting to have a free app but still earn revenue.

The Value of Tablets and eReaders

This past holiday season saw a big jump in the number of people with a tablet or eReading device. According to Pew Research Centers Internet and American Life Project, the percentage of adults in the US owning a tablet device jumped from 10% in December to 19% in January. With the introduction of tablets at a lower price including the Kindle Fire and Nook, there is a wider audience in the tablet space.

This new trend represents another opportunity for companies to develop a mobile app optimized for the tablet, since close to half of tablet owners made or completed a purchase on their tablet. Tablets have a lot of potential for more engaging apps, and the more engaging an app is the more value your company will get from your users.

Creating a Mobile Strategy

As I said above, the value of an app isn’t just about revenue. Clearly there are a lot of areas where a business can make a profit in the app space, but companies have to be smart and have a strategy. Considering the number of apps out there in the world right now, a business can’t just expect to build an app and then instantly have a revenue stream. Mobile app promotion is a key part of building value from an app.

Some companies may just want to offer an app as part of their overall product offering. The app itself doesn’t have to be the money-maker. Amadeus Consulting’s CIO John Basso made some 2012 tech predictions, one of those being that mobile will no longer be a feature but an expectation. Especially as more of our technology is becoming integrated with mobile, consumers will soon expect that anything they buy is integrated with their smartphone. So any company not thinking about a mobile strategy right now is likely to get left in the dust.

Mobile app development companies like Amadeus Consulting offer consulting to our clients to help make sure they are taking advantage of mobile in the way that is best for their business model, so if you just aren’t sure what to do or how to get the value you want out of an app, feel free to contact us for help!

Top Gaming Computers Get An Audio Upgrade

The PC market recently welcomed to the table a new innovation in audio from Maingear – the Maingear EPIC Audio Engine. There’s no reason why you should have to choose between your eyes and ears but gamers are often asked to do so. This audio solution is ideal for gamers who want the best gaming pc without sacrificing high quality audio.

The EPIC Audio Engine utilizes APHEX’s Exciter processing technology for superior sound. Instead of messing with frequencies all the time and inadvertently adding gain, you can now obtain the frequencies you want without compromise. You won’t have to painstakingly try to balance the audio levels - realistic, amazing sounding audio comes right out of the box. In addition to this, the audio engine comes with a headphone amplifier, which boosts the signal of the PC audio, and improved processing on the mic, also using APHEX technology, which enhances your voice for when you are playing popular online multiplayer games.

The EPIC Audio Engine is extremely simple to incorporate into your computer setup. Instead of connecting to your discrete sound card or motherboard, just plug into the audio engine and in turn plug the engine into your front panel header. You can turn the engine on or off with an included switch. It’s great for gaming or just jamming in your free time. In fact, the EPIC Audio Engine was tuned by professional engineers from Downtown Music, LLC, a company that is home to a number of major acts and operates its own recording studio.

This engine has a number of possible advantages for those using gaming computers. As games become more sophisticated, audio cues become more common. With the EPIC Audio Engine, you can hear footsteps down the corridor or other sound effects that might be important to gameplay. You also don’t want terrible audio to take you out of the experience – when the graphics are incredibly realistic, do you really want to hear the sound as though it was coming through a shower radio? In addition to all this, you will be able to communicate with your online team better – they’ll hear you more clearly thanks to the improved mic processing and you’ll hear them more clearly thanks to the Engine’s excellent audio specs.

If you are as interested in music as you are gaming, the EPIC Audio Engine provides the simple advantage of better audio. You’ll be able to hear MP3s and other file types more clearly, and your expensive headphone sets won’t be going to waste on your gaming computer any longer. With this engine you can make music or mix it more easily.

A top gaming computer should be a complete multimedia experience, not just a graphical powerhouse. As gaming computers become more highly developed and capable of amazing things, it’s important to remember not to leave audio behind. Maingear has definitely recognized the importance of high quality audio and their EPIC engine is not to be ignored if you are looking to step up your gaming experience.

.Net Benefits & Pitfalls

.NET allows different programming languages and libraries work together, create Windows-based applications and integrate them with other networked systems. The framework provides programs enabling users to interact with one another’s systems rather than the program itself.


.NET is a cutting edge web development technology. It offers a great set of development tools striving to meet needs of the most demanding customers. Among the main advantages are:

  • Improved Performance Level is provided due to reduced amount of code necessary for building applications.

  • .NET is Easy to Use. A set of user-friendly tools helps to sufficiently increase programmers’ productivity and, as a result, save customer’s time and costs.

  • independent Multi-Language Support. .NET possesses explicit extremely convenient multi-language support. Framework provides binary compatibility between more than 20 languages (C#, C++, VB.NET, Java, Eiffel, FORTRAN, COBOL, ML, Haskell, Pascal, Oberon, Perl, Python, etc.)

  • Interoperability. .NET possesses the ability to interact with programs executed outside the framework due to resources and functionality sharing.

  • Wide Range Applications Can be Developed in .NET. These are console applications: Windows Form-based applications / Windows GUI applications, Web and Mobile apps, Pocket PC apps, etc.

  • Simplified Deployment. With .NET one can build applications more rapidly and deploy and maintain them with efficiency. .NET ensures that all vital application components are available on the computer before the application starts working. The .NET technology also provides web application developers with automatic deployment.

  • Reliability. Web application developed in .NET is highly reliable due to web server control over the pages on an ongoing basis. Any type of illegal activities or other defects are detected by the server and removed.
While the .NET framework advantages usually far outweigh the disadvantages, there are a couple of criticisms worth mentioning:

  • Windows-only Compatibility. Framework is tightly integrated with Microsoft's operating system and enterprise server software and, as a result, runs only on Windows, restricting vendor choice. For comparison, Java is supported by Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems, and utilizing Java can be easily ported to all operating systems.

  • Time-consuming Installation. Since its implementation date in 2002 of the Microsoft .Net platform structure has become more complicated. As the framework has become larger, the installer did too. The 2009 installer’s size is as much as 50 MB, consequently downloading the application can take a considerable amount of time, which causes inconveniences and unnecessary irritation.

  • Other Installation Troubles. A large number of programs are run on Microsoft’s system, and a user may lack the version required. So installing a simple program can be quite challenging. Some users would rather avoid the need to download the framework. Conflicts during Windows installations can also occur and the small fault may cause the framework installation fail. It’s also hard to make older applications run in new .Net environment.

  • Power-consuming Operation. Microsoft-relied applications tend to consume far more CPU power. This causes a slow and unsatisfactory performance on the less powerful machines.
  • Whatever the criticism may be, .NET remains to be a great development platform for a wide range of applications, especially for web-based ones. Moreover, .NET has a powerful framework for building rich graphical user interfaces, built-in support for Web services standards and other useful features. It can also cut some expenses for you due to built-in application server in Windows, unified management and less expensive tools.

    How insurance software solutions are changing the way healthcare industry operates?

    Insurance industries rely on the latest and updated information to conduct their insurance businesses. To maintain a strong foothold in the present day insurance market it is essential for insurance industries to have a strong online presence and a robust online network that facilitates time and cost saving.

    To warrant excellent customer satisfaction, organizations are striving hard to introduce technologies and applications that are smart, efficient and at the cutting edge of latest technology. Web based insurance portals make it easy for insurers to update their official and consumer data in real time and from the remotest of locations.
    The customers of insurance companies can also view their updated information online, thus encouraging more transparency and trust between the insurers and their customers. More and more insurance industries across the world are acknowledging the benefits of using insurance software solutions.

    Insurance software solutions assist in increasing process efficiencies, reducing or containing administrative costs, enhancing customer experiences and maximizing marketing outreach and profit margins.

    The U.S. healthcare industry landscape is abuzz with new applications and technologies that are taking customer experiences to new levels and are promoting transparency in financial dealings. Insurance software solutions are revamping the way insurers traditionally conducted their business.

    There are a plethora of insurance software solutions available in the insurance industry. While some applications may assist insurers in quality analysis other applications may help in allaying projected market risks with the help of the inbuilt risk analysis and simulation tools.

    U.S. healthcare IT firms are churning out comprehensive insurance software for insurers and state governments to aid them in servicing their clients better. Most of the insurance software includes applications that allow online eligibility checking, comparing and enrolling for health plans.

    There are some health insurance software products that feature separate portals for groups, individuals, employers and employees for better management and customer experience. Deploying such applications on an insurer’s network does not affect the business continuity and doesn’t require any additional investment in hardware or software.

    Most insurance software solutions out in the insurance markets offer customization facilities wherein insurers can tailor the applications as per their business requirements and needs.

    Insurance software solutions help insurers restructure and reorganize their critical businesses with simple yet brilliant processes which help in better risk analysis and assessment, thus dramatically reducing error instances and improving profits.

    With cloud computing becoming a fast spreading rage across the entire U.S. healthcare industry, most benefits associated with it - scalability, flexibility, security, no upfront hardware and software investments – are gaining traction.

    Where efficiency and time effectiveness are primary concerns, automated insurance software solutions can come in handy as they are very fast, easily deployable and can aid in accurate data analysis.

    Insurers are always on the lookout for smart, simple and easily understandable insurance solutions that not only help in improving business agility but also help in refining the customer services and strengthen relationships with customers. Insurance software solutions are becoming more of a necessity than a luxury because of their intelligent, automated processes.

    Audio Enhancement for Aging Media

    Technology is taking us to new places with audio. During lectures, conferences, speeches, press gatherings and other types of speaking engagements, the speaker commonly uses complex audio equipment and teams for direct audio enhancement. Meaning – the equipment that is setup at the event provides the cleanest audio both for presentation and for recording.

    This extra effort on the front end minimizes the work that audio experts and professionals have to do when packaging recorded audio to other media format for distribution or syndication among news studios, DVD products, etc.

    It wasn’t long ago that speakers did not have the benefit of the high quality audio enhancement techniques we use now during presentations and recordings. Before amplification of audio and recording devices was mainstream, public speakers and those giving lectures had to rely on careful annunciation and voice projection to ensure that everyone in attendance could hear them clearly.

    Even with careful annunciation and training in giving speeches, the resulting recordings were limited by the low quality audio technology of the time. Even with improvement in microphones and recording technology, the audio was still recorded to magnetic tape.

    Changing the Way We Hear

    Beyond the professional sphere, personal recordings such as audio letters and diaries recorded to analog media can suffer the effect of time. Important events in family histories can be lost without audio enhancement. Unfortunately, things like atmosphere, sun exposure, gases, dust and humidity can have a toll on tape media that make it virtually impossible to recover even with audio enhancement.

    It is important to note here that audio enhancement is not a magic button, or instant fix for damaged and/or aging audio recordings. Audio engineers can tackle minor artifact, poor volume in audio and segregation of some noises but it cannot repair badly damaged tape.

    To counter this issue, some companies rely on oral history transcription and other forms of professional transcription once enhancement is complete. These transcripts can provide a written account of the recorded dialogue. For important audio, this is an effective way to review the audio on older tape without submitting that older tape to continued replays that could severe the media and cause additional damage.

    Common Problems Requiring Audio Enhancement

    Older media such as reel-to-reels once allowed for recording at different speeds. It wasn’t uncommon to get an important recording that wound up being recorded at the wrong speed due to mechanical issues and tape deck malfunctions at the time of the recording. Audio engineering makes it easy to adjust the playback speed of media when moving it to a digital recording. This keeps the master intact while providing you with a modern format for playback and review.

    Beyond playback speeds, audio enhancement can tone down or remove things like buzzing, hissing, humming, electrical interference, ambient sounds (car horns, motor noise, traffic, nature sounds) and variable tones that interfere with hearing and understanding the spoken dialogue of a recording.

    Don’t give up on old reel to reel recordings, especially if the data is something important to you. Audio enhancement and oral history transcription can breathe new life into your old audio formats.

    Create Stunning Online Presentations with 360 Product viewer

    RotaryView 360 Product viewer is one of the newest and most fully-featured web platforms for creating stunning online presentations for marketing your business and its products. In today's three-dimensional world, the Internet is becoming more interactive than ever and website owners constantly need to find more ways in which to attract customers. RotaryView 360 Product viewer is a revolutionary platform which makes it easier and quicker than ever to create 360 degree rotating views for online presentations. The results not only look great; they're also helpful to the potential customer, since they'll be able to rotate the view 360 degrees to see all angles of the product.

    If you've seen 360 product presentations on the web before, the first thing you might have thought is how hard it must be to implement such a thing. Fortunately, RotaryView is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It is intended for those who are not familiar with coding and those who want to save time and complications while still being able to enjoy the same results. The system is extremely simple to operate and no longer does this trend in web design need to be restricted to the professionals and expert coders.

    RotaryView combines a variety of tools in one convenient package such as online marketing tools and social networking tools. Its tools can assist you in emailing products, spreading your marketing campaign throughout the popular social networking sites and much more. RotaryView also helps you to save bandwidth on your website, since all of the photos required for the 360 product photography presentation are stored on the RotaryView servers. Not only does this help to decrease the bandwidth that your website requires; it also makes it easier than ever to integrate RotaryView into an existing website.

    Although RotaryView is useful for many types of web-based businesses, it's particularly suitable for helping photographers to present their work online. It provides a great way of expressing talent in a new, unique and highly interactive way. With support for very high resolutions, the quality of the presentations can be nothing short of stunning!

    When compared to other 360 degree photography software for the web, RotaryView's solution provides several features that make it one of the best in its field. The user-friendly graphical interface, for example, sets it apart from many competing products due to its outstanding ease of use. Making your first presentation is pretty much just a matter of uploading your photo sequences and letting the software do the work for you.

    Another characteristic of RotaryView which makes it unique is the fact that it works faster than just about any other solution. Speed is a major issue when it comes to browsing the web and, if potential customers are confronted with long loading times, they'll quickly start looking elsewhere. Fortunately, RotaryView is very fast and the image rotates immediately when the viewer clicks and drags it, interacting with the image.

    You can learn more about 360 product photography and see some examples of RotaryView in action at .